To me there is such treasures to be found in the words from vintage books.
This is a poem from 1902:
" Like the beating of the wavelet,
like the ripple of the rill,
Like the gentle breezes fanning on
the brow of wooded hill,

Gently comes an inspiration and it gives us thoughts divine,
And we place them in our store house,
to be used some future time.

As the rain upon the mountain finds it way to vales below,
As the rills that feed the rivers gently murmer as they go,
So the light of inspiration from a higher source doth come,
And we listen to the voices as they tell of brighter home.

Like the calm upon the ocean when the storm its force has spent,
Like the gentle light of heaven from the starry firmament,

Comes to us the welcome message from the glorious realms above,
Telling us that life's worth living if we live for truth and love.
Like the dew upon the roses sending forth their rainbow hue,
Or the sunlight in the diamond as it flashes into view,

So the light of inspiration is in store for you and me;
It is seen on the highest mountain, it is found in deepest sea. "

This above poem was written by George Sanford.
What a beautiful poem with equally beautiful pictures.
Blessings and hugs~
How lovely,
Such a beautiful poem and pretty pictures.
I posted an old book and dried roses last night we are thinking alike,
Dearest Mo,
Lovely poem and even lovelier photos you show here!
Hope you are fine and that the rains will fill up the vales... Here it finally did rain after months! Too late for nature but it looks so fresh now.
Love to you,
beautiful photos!
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