"It is at the edge of a petal that love waits.
-William Carlos Williams quotes
(American Poet, 1883-1963)

All "Rose Petals from Heaven" copywrite graphics are for

~ Personal Use Only ~

Become a follower and use them on your blogs.

©2010-2025 All rights reserved.

" Rose Petals from Heaven's " Friends :

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Today we are celebrating.  Yippee!!!

"Rose Petals from Heaven" has over 200 precious followers. 

I would like to say thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to visit. 

During your brief stay, I do hope a rose petal or two has landed gently on your soul and inspired you.

Now on to the Giveaway…

(click to enlarge)

One lucky follower will win all three item.

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First, is a brand new, still factory wrapped, Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic Toss Pillow.

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It is embroidered on the front with the words “sweet dreams” on it. 

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It is trimmed in pink pom-poms and embroidered with pink roses. The center of the pillow has a sweet fabric appliqué bluebird accented with pink sequins.

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Second, is a new pink leather purse mirror from Ann Taylor’s Loft.

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I have realized how many sweet followers are fond of the color pink.

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Last but not least,  is a brand new key chain made by “Serenity” of Cannon Falls.
(“Serenity” is a gentle collection of angels that embody the flight of the human spirit.)

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It has one of my favorite Coco Chanel quotes on it:
“If you were born without wings do nothing to prevent them from growing.”

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Here’s how to enter: 
  1. In order to qualify you must be a follower of Rose Petals from Heaven.
  2. Leave a comment (on this post) on something that has inspired you here at “Rose Petals from Heaven”.  Please leave the comment under this post between now and January 15th Midnight (Mountain Standard Time). I will only be counting one comment per person.
  3. For an extra entry, post the button below on your blog sidebar.  Please leave a comment on this post so that I know you have posted the button and I can give you the extra entry.
    Instructions for decorating your own sidebar:
    1. Click on "Design" (on your own dashboard)
    2. Now click on "Add a Gadget" (on the sidebar)
    3. Choose HTML/JavaScript
    4. Copy and paste the text in the white box below
        the button you would like into the
        HTML/JavaScript content box.
    5. Enjoy!

The True Random Number Generator will be used to determine the winner.

Good Luck!


Terri Gordon said...

Oh, what a beautiful giveaway, such lovely items. I love your beautiful free sidebar buttons. I have two on my blog. Thank you so much. Happy Holiday's. Terri

Terri Gordon said...

Hello, I also put your wonderful giveaway button on my side bar. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win. Happy Holiday's to you and your family. Hugs, Terri

GwendolynKay said...

I would love to win this. I am inspired by your creativity and your lovely buttons you make us. I will put this on my sidebar.
Thanks for the opp.

Donnie said...

I'm a follower but what inspires me most about your blog is the beauty and thoughtfulness you put into your posts. Directions on how to do things also help a lot.

Donnie said...

I also put your giveaway button on my sidebar using your easy directions. Thanks

Suzie Button said...

I just found your blog and was inspired by the pink beauty of your blogger background and you obviously love the beauty of Christmas so that alone is inspiring! I'm a new follower! Suzie purrpage3[at]verizon[dot]net

Susan said...

I was inspired by you blog name! Rose petals from heaven. I have always envisioned the heaven I would go to would be a garden of roses of every color. I love Roses.
I am a follower~ Please enter me in your beautiful give away.

Unknown said...

I found your blog through My So Called Junky Life. I love the darling buttons you have made and share with us. I have added a few of them to my own blog as well as your giveaway button. Thank you so much, I look forward to following your blog!!!


Cindy said...

I am a follower - I just want that keychain!!!!!! :)

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Oh, your giveaway goodies are so lovely and I would be a very proud winner;-) I have posted your beautiful giveaway button on my blog.

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

I want you to know that I have been so inspired by your beautiful photographs, and of course the words to go along with them. I'm also inspired by such kind comments you leave on my blog.
Thank you.

Charlene said...

Mo, Congratulations on having over 200 Followers! And you are so sweet to have this give away. I did sign up as a follower but, more than that, I have you posted on my sidebar so I can keep up with your posting. You wanted us to tell you something that inspires us here... your talent at creating the buttons amazes me (I soooooooooo want to learn to do that & use photoshop elements) but, what inspires me is your generosity. You make something & SHARE! Sooooooooo many people create & post but guard their creations with a force to be reckoned with. You... create, show, share & move on to make more magic. THAT GENEROSITY INSPIRES ME! Thank you. And of course I'll post your button. HUGS!

Susan said...

WOW Mo! 200 Followers! Fabulous! Okay. I'm a Follower. Your gorgeous CRANBERRY glass has been the most inspiring to me, since I collect that glass, too.

And I'm going to add the button to my sidebar! Have a great day on Friday! Susan

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

I'm a follower! I love how you incorporate roses into your posts. Nothing prettier than roses! This is a gorgeous giveaway. Count me in!

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

I will be posting your giveaway on my sidebar too!


Hi. Just found your blog. I am your newest follower. Please enter me in your giveaway. What lovely treasures. Thank you.
~ Julie


Hi again. Your giveaway is posted on my side bar.
I'm not your newest follower; but an older one. I look forward to visiting more this year. I love vintage graphics; they inspire me to think of days gone by.
~ Julie

stefanie said...

oh, this is sooooo me!!! please enter me!! I am a follower!

stefanie said...

I put your giveaway on my sidebar, thanks!

Between Me and You said...

What fabulous and beautiful objects in your giveaway which is also extremely generous. Your inspirational graphics help to make my blog look appealing to me and hopefully any visitors it may attract. Thank you Mo for your kindness and generosity in sharing them with the rest of the world.

Between Me and You said...

Giveaway button gladly added to my sidebar.

Simple Home said...

Thanks for coming by and saying "hi". I'm so glad you did. You have a beautiful blog here. I look forward to coming back and visiting often.
I'd love to enter your giveaway too :-)

Monice said...

I love the vintage softness of your blog. It is beautiful. I will come back often.
Have a great day!

La said...

Hi Mo!

I'm a follower! I love your sweet spirit and how it comes out in your original graphics. Some of which I use on my blog.

parTea lady said...

I'm following your lovely blog. The free graphics are great and I really enjoy all your gorgeous photos.

Thanks for the great giveaway.

Simply Debbie said...


Trisha said...

I am a new follower of just a few days! As I was looking through all your wonderful posts, the thing that most inspired me was all of the beautiful Rosaries that you have. I had to get out all of my beads and say a Rosary or two! Thank you for your faith and beautiful reminders of my own faith!


Tina B. said...

I'm a new follower & so glad I stumbled upon your blog. I love the quotes and pictures!!

La said...

I just put your button on my blog. Gee, I thought I already did.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Loved seeing the historical home tour.... a copper shower? WOW....

Please enter me in your yummy giveaway too...... I am a follower....

Warm blessings,

Angela Richardson said...

I've just found your beautiful blog and I'm off to explore.
I just love roses especilly in an English walled garden in June, I can smell it now looking at your blog.
Hugs, Angela.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I loved your Pooh Christmas post and the Susan Branch book you showed! I have one of her books, too and enjoy the art on each page! I am a new follower and I hope you'll visit me, too! Happy holidays! ♥

Judy said...

Hello Mo! Im already a follower and I have your giveaway linked on my side bar. Im inspired how you create all these gorgeous button you share with us :) Have a great day!

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: Congratulations on reaching 200! I am a follower and have your link on my side bar. I love all your buttons. I use them all the time. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

Marqueta (Mar-kee-ta) G. said...

Hello there, and thank you for your beautiful blog! I have just discovered it, and I think I'm in love. :)

What a fun giveaway you're having, and a generous way to show love to others.



ShabbyESP said...

Hello Mo
Please enter me in the giveaway I am already a follower!!!
I love all the pink you have in your blog and I also like your name Rose Petals from Heaven
Thank you!

Tee said...

Please count me in your giveaway! I am a new follower of your blog. And I have your neat buttons on the sidebar of my new blog. Thank You!

Denise said...

Good morning,I also would love to win.Your blog site is prettyand your a very kind to offer beautiful buttons.Your giveaway is lovely,Thank you.

Denise said...

Your givaway button is on my sidebar.Please drop by and visit me and follow if you like.Happy New year and God bless.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

Happiest New Year wishes...
tea is on at FHC ~
so is your button :)

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

what inspires me here?
the bkgrnd colour, the rose focus ~ being that 'rose' is one of my names :) the beauty~ all these inspire...
THANK YOU from a grateful follower ~

Sugarpie said...

Congratulations on 200 followers! Thats a huge accomplishment.
Your blog is simply beautiful - such a gorgeous background - and your photos are amazing! You are a true inspiriation to everyone.
Good luck to the winner of your give-away!

Elaine said...

i find your blog inspring and it's not bad on the eye with the great photos. I do follow you...This is a wonderful giveaway

Peninia / Gosia said...

Such beautiful things... Of course I want to have a chance to win them.
Linking from my blog!

*hugs-Peninia art

Unknown said...

Happy New Year! Such beautiful graphics and inspiration... how could anyone not follow once they found you! yes I'm a follower and I'm going right now to place your button on my sidebar! Hugs, Marilou

pippirose said...

I would love to enter your giveaway.
Your beautiful vintage graphics inspire me.
I'm a new follower, and I posted your giveaway on my sidebar:

pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

Hi I just found your blog. I sign up as a follower..Hope you follow mine trying to get to a 100. Your blog is so nice ,Hope to do more work on mine this year. This is my year of CHANGE Laura

Sharon said...

Your blog is so beautiful! Very peaceful and friendly!

Cat Stegall said...

lovely blog ..posted a link to you!

Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

I am so happy to be entering a new year, 2010 was a Valley in my life, AND you have inspired me to Move into a new Year with Blessings and Smiles. Thank you for this chance to win so many Pretty Things!!! Please Enter me "TWICE"! I AM a FOLLOWER, AND I have posted your giveaway on my sidebar!
Thank you so much,
Hugs, Donna

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Such a beautiful blog! Love the key chain. "If you were born without wings do nothing to prevent them from growing.” Looking forward to following you and have grabbed your button!
Blessings to you,

ania.n said...

absolutly perfect blog and candy

Valrie said...

Your blog is beautiful! I am going to post your button in my sidebar. I have been thinking about redoing my bohemian graphics and these here are just HEAVEN sent! That is my inspiration thought as well! I am now also a follower of yours!

Would love to discuss how you laid it your blog it is so ephemeral!

Valrie http://poemsmyway-valrie.blogspot.com

The Old Parsonage said...

Well my sweet friend, what a great giveaway. Glad that I popped by today and didn't miss it! Your creativity inspires me along with the fact that we have identical taste!

I'm off to post the button on my side bar!

The Old Parsonage said...

Whoops forgot to mention that I've been a follower for about a month now.

Congrats on the 200 too!

Cathy said...

Just love everything. The pillow inspires me to make time to relax and just take in the beauty that surrounds me. I'm also following you my friend. Thank you for allowing me to join in the contest.


The Gilded Cherub said...

Hello Mo,
What a beautiful blog you have, I am so happy I came across it tonight. I would have to say what inspired me what the help you give, I could not figure out how to add to my sidebar thank you for the easy directions. I am a new follower and will add your button to my side bar, thank you for adding me to your wonderful give away. I am also having one I would love it if you could stop by. My give away is a surprise with 3 winners. It was a pleasure meeting you, I will be back often.
The Gilded Cherub

Anonymous said...

Hello, Mo
Well, this is the first time I have been here. You have such a beautiful format. I will say that I love the rose petals in the fountain...I can imagine the fragrance from them is intoxicating.
I will be coming back here again and again.
And please enter me in your sweet giveaway.
Sweet dreams...zzzz
Teresa in Cloth and Clay doll ning

Laura's Rose Garden said...

Dear Mo,
Thank you so much for visiting my blog, leaving a comment and becoming a follower. Good luck with my give-away draw on Thursday.
I have visited your blog before and have really enjoyed your quotes that you feature. I became a follower today.
Please enter me in you fabulous give-away!! I especially love the PINK!! compact mirror!
I hope you have a fabulous week!
Warm hugs, Laura

Laura's Rose Garden said...

Me again!
I have linked your give-away from my blog to your blog.
Hugs, Laura

FourSistersInACottage said...

I am inspired by all of your poems and bible verses. Your blog is truly eye candy and I have become a follower.
I am going to add you to my blog list of favorites if you don't mind.
YOUR BLOG IS AWESOME and SOOOO PEACEFUL all at the same time.
If you get a chance, stop by my blog too as I have a Valentine Giveaway times two.
Hugs to you my new blogging friend,
Amy(Mom to the Four Sisters)

The Sterling Cherub said...

Hi Mo! I found your blog through The Gilded Cherub and am so glad I did. It is just lovely, and for me, the entire theme of rose petals raining down is inspiring. Wouldn't a shower of rose petals be lovely? I am your newest follower, and have put your give-away button under my "Give-Aways!" sidebar. The prizes are just perfect in every way. I've also put one your lovely angel buttons on my little blog, as I love angels and cherubs in all forms!

Good luck to everyone who has entered this generous drawing!


Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Mo,

Thanks for your visit and following! Please do enter in my giveaway for a 925/000 Silver Angel. Click on the button at the top left of my blog to get there.

I'm a follower and I've also taken your button about this giveaway and placed it on my side bar.
What I like most of your blog? The fact that you are such a warm and open person that also loves Catholic relics; like I do myself.
Lots of love,

Mariette's Back to Basics

Holly Moore said...

I just became a follower and Wowsa this is truly a beautiful blog. I am inspired already just by the background and side bar buttons. I can't wait to go in now and look some more. Yours, Holly

Selena said...

Oh, what a beautiful candy!!!!

Nany said...

I found your blog today and become a follower immediately; I took 2 of your lovely buttons..and I have to tell you...the Virgin Mary are so inspirational for me... Lovely blog

Nany said...

here I am for my second chance swettie..your giveaway is now on my sidebar

Unknown said...

Oh please count me in. I'm your newest follower! What awesome prizes.
Hugs, LisaKay

Unknown said...

I just posted your button on my sidebar for my second chance to win.
Hugs, LisaKay

Beckey said...

Love your blog. It brings smiles and a peaceful feeling. Love graphics of children and flowers.

Thank you for your generosity.

BumbleBeeLane said...

Count me in on your lovely giveaway.I'm a new follower but love the buttons you've created.So generous that you offer your designs can't wait to add some to pretty up my blog.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Caroline said...

I am new to your blog and so glad I found you...your quotes are inspirational and your blog is very pretty. I would love to enter your giveaway.


I am a new follower. The beauty of your blog inspires me. It is so gorgeous. Also, what a generous giveaway.
Hugs, Linda gypsyluv1010@gmail.com

Kathy B. said...

I just happened upon your blog by "accident" and was so happy to find it. Such beautiful artwork and soft pastels, it gives a very soothing feel to someone at the end of a very hectic day! Thanks so much! Thanks, too, for the opportunity to win such a generous giveaway! I have also become a new follower, and plan to visit every evening for that soothing "fix."


Clare Tea said...

I'm a new follower, and I find that the most inspiring thing about your blog to me personally is the quotes that you blog with! the way you intersperse pictures with them is a nice touch; something pretty for the eyes to rest on while the mind mulls over those words...

le.paradis.found at gmail dot com

Clare Tea said...

i placed it in my sidebar!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Blog! I love all the graphics and lovely verses. Am I too late for the giveaway/ Hope not I am a new follower.

ShirleyC said...

SIMPLY DEBBIE said you had a beautiful blog, and she wasn't lying. I love anything with angels, and beautiful poems.

I am now a follower.


Henria O. said...

Lovely giveaway! You're inspiring words and quotes inspire me. It seems your always encouraging your readers to see the best in everything and the potential in everything including themselves. Encouraging. I like that!

Fishtail Cottage said...

I feel so lucky that i am your newest follower! Thank you so much for the opportunity of this giveaway...off to peek around your blog - looks beautiful so far! i love the photo's you have on your sidebars! so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Already a follower. I seldom enter giveaways, but when I saw the bluebird appliqué, I just knew I had to enter. The bluebird is my inspiration and has become a symbolic symbol in my dads memory. I am also adding you button for the chance with second entry. Thank you for your consideration and for offering this generous giveaway.

BECKY said...

Hi Mo! I'm so happy I stopped by in time for your contest! But, gosh, I don't think I can possibly come up with just one inspiring thing from your blog!! I always love all your posts and pictures and designs, but you know....I think most of all, I've been inspired by your comments and e-mails to me! OH, and I LOVED the quotes from When Harry Met Sally on your New Year's post!! Love that movie!! :)

Beckey said...

What first attracted me to your blog was "rose petals". I truly love roses. My Grandma Rose was my hero, and I love anything with roses. They always remind me of her. My husband and I planted a rose bush on our wedding day, and did for many years afterward. Unfortunately we moved to a very cold climate, so my love affair cannot be with fresh roses anymore. That does not stop me though!

Thank you.