As I think back to my childhood, it is rather ironic I ended up with mom's " Hope Chest ".
Why you ask? Because my older sister is the one who was much more traditional and somewhere in my past I had already labeled it " hers ".

I saw it in my parents garage after I was married years ago and had already decided my house was going to be " traditionally " decorated.

Although it sits in my master bedroom, it still belongs to our entire family.

Whenever I open it now, I am taken back to the childhood days when I would hear the brass hardware handles wrattling whenever my mother opened it up.

And even now, the scent of the cedar wood is still very strong and I can close my eyes and time travel back to when my life consisted of how long I could play at my friends house and stay up to watch t.v. at night.

Today it contains my past. My grandmothers afghans, pillows, and dolls she crocheted for me.
And on top, I display my blue coral given to me by my sweet husband.
And an angel planter filled with a silk orchid plant.
The orchid plant adds a touch of " Island " elegance and looks wonderful agains the backdrop of blue and white roses.

If you haven't already entered my " Angel Kisses " giveaway there is still plenty of time.
Just click below:
Hello Dear Mo...
How lovely a piece that chest is! It's in perfect condition, too. Your coral and the planter with orchid add even more loveliness to the scene. Great job! Susan p.s. Oh yes, I have entered the contest and have your contest button in the "Mo Sidebar," just as promised. Have a sweet Sunday. Susan
Good Mo Sweetie...
What a beautiful memory chest. I love the sound of those clinking handles, until you mentioned it, I had forgotten how Momma's dresser always sounded in the morning as she was getting ready for her day. What a wonderful memory.
It looks absolutely gorgeous in front of the window with the blue and white rose curtains draped behind.
I imagine you open it quite often just to take in the memories and the cedar scent of love. Thank you so much for sharing this morning.
Yep I have entered the giveaway and have you posted on my scroll bar. I love this giveaway, angels are my favorite.
Many hugs sweetie from Phoenix, Sherry
I think that hope chest is so lovely and I don't know how you did end up with it - but I am glad you did and I am sure you are too. Nice memory too.
It looks very pretty ... I had recently opened my great grandmother's travel trunk...waited all my life my mother had it but I never thought to open it and mom never said anything in sat in the basement for years..there we a couple of times I remember her opening it but never looked it it had amazing photos and linen that was more older than me 53 years. Much of the linen was falling apart but there were still some good things...Glad you have it...hugs Happy Sunday..
What a wonderful piece of memory you have here. I have my cedar chest in the basement and wonder if I should bring it up to enjoy. I too love and decorate traditional but my wonderful cedar chest is not. You were the lucky one to be the keeper of such a great treasure. It is beautiful. Love the coral..
I am so glad there are still some of us that like traditional decorating. My home is decorated traditional. I love the cedar chest! It is so pretty.
Mo- That is just a gorgeous piece. It is one of the prettiest hope chests I have ever seen. I always think of them as being a bench type piece.
I am transported back by scents and images too...what a blessing that you have this to remind you of those times- xo Diana
Oh Mo, can we please see pics of your darling Grandmother`s crochet? What a lovely bedroom you have and the Hope Chest fits in perfectly.
Hi Mo.
Your mother's hope chest is lovely and what a wonderful memory of hearing the hardware when your mother opened it. Isn't it funny what will trigger a memory?
Have a wonferful week! La
That is just an exqusite piece of furniture. Memories never seem to fade--isn't that wonderful. Hope you have a great week.
Everything is so lovely!...such a peaceful room!
Your mother's hope chest is lovely. My mother in law gave me her's some years back, a nice cedar one, unfortunatley she had filled it with moth balls so I could not store anything in it without picking up that very strong oder.
What a beautiful heirloom! Thank you for sharing your memories to go along with it.
Lovely chest, how lucky you are to have a family treasure from your past.
Glad that you have made such a lovely home for this family piece! It really is a great piece of furniture! Love, Your Sis
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